seven things tagged “cool stuff

Ghost Structures

This is such a wonderful idea. Stand opposite the glass and you’d know what Kruševac Fortress in Serbia looked like in its heyday: Franklin Court in Pennsylvania is another example of how one could illustrate architectural history. Franklin Court was the site of the handsome brick home of Benjami…

A Cheat’s Hankerchief

This is a silk hankerchief from c.1860 used by one or more people to cheat1 on the Imperial Examinations. Via the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. Here are a bunch of Art History Professors discussing this artifact and its history They’d use all sorts of th…

An 18,000-year Old Pupper

This is Dogor 🐾, an 18,000-year old puppy preserved in Siberian permafrost. His name means “friend.” He was discovered as a lump of frozen mud near Yakutsk and lies at a private museum. Dogor left the wilderness as a lump of soil and ice, but scientists could make out the head and paws of what th…